AS-06 Antenna Set 30 MHz to 18 GHz
Main Features •30 MHz to 18 GHz frequency range •Excellent antenna factor •Tripod adapter for easy vertical-horizontal polarization change •Individual calibration •Robust, rustproof aluminium construction •Lightweight
AS-07 Antenna Set 30 MHz to 6 GHz
Main Features •30 MHz to 6 GHz frequency range •Excellent antenna factor •Tripod adapter for easy vertical-horizontal polarization change •Individual calibration •Robust, rustproof aluminium construction •Lightweight
AS-08 Antenna Set 30 MHz to 18 GHz
Main Features •30 MHz to 18 GHz frequency range •Excellent antenna factor •Tripod adapter for easy vertical-horizontal polarization change •Individual calibration •Robust, rustproof aluminium construction •Lightweight
BL-01 Bi-Conical Log-periodic antenna 30 MHz to 6 GHz
Main Features •30 MHz to 6 GHz frequency range •Excellent antenna factor •Tripod adapter for easy vertical-horizontal polarization change •Individual calibration •Robust, rustproof aluminium construction •Lightweight
3160 Pyramidal Standard Gain Antenna
*Frequency Range: 960 MHz - 40 GHz.
Model 3160 Standard Gain Horns cover a
multi-octave bandwidth.
All models in the series are linearly polarized, have
medium gain, optimum half power beamwidth
(equal in both horizontal and vertical
planes), and low VSWR.
3161 Octave Horn Antenna
- Constant Antenna Factor Over Frequency
- Complete with Feed, Waveguide, Mount
- Increased Power Dissipation
- Optimal Beam width
- Low VSWR
3186 Dual Stacked LPDA Antenna
- 1 GHz - 18 GHz Frequency Range
- 2:1 VSWR Average
- Up to 20W Input Power
- Constant E- and H-Plane Beamwidth
- Flat Directivity
3162-01 Field Generating Antenna
* Frequency Range: 1.2 GHz - 1.4 GHz.
ETS-Lindgren's Model 3162-01
Pyramidal Type High Gain Horn
was specifically developed for the GMW 3097 and
ES-XW7T-1A278-AC specifications
for automotive EMC components testing.
3121D Dipole
* Frequency Range: 30 MHz - 1 GHz.
The 3121D tuned dipole antenna's
behavior approaches to the theoretically perfect half-wavelength resonant
3104C Biconical Antenna
* Frequency Range: 20 MHz - 200 MHz.
The Model 3104C Biconical antenna has
a traditional coaxial wound balun which provides a broad frequency range and
moderate gain for both transmitting and receiving.
3140B Hybrid Log Periodic and Bowtie (BiConiLog)
* Frequency Range: 26 MHz - 3 GHz.
The Model 3140B BiConiLog is the newest
in a series of hybrid antennas designed for broadband EMC RI (RI) measurements.
The antenna exhibits exceptional gain between 26 MHz to 80 MHz, requiring <=
300 W to generate 10 V/m above 30 MHz with 80% AM at a distance of 3 meters.
Above 80 MHz, the antenna's VSWR is less than 2:1.
3101 Conical Log Spiral Antenna
* Frequency Range: 200 MHz - 1 GHz.
The Model 3101 Conical Log Spiral is
made with spiral windings
of coaxial cable attached to the outside of a
fiberglass cone.
3301C Active Monopole
* Frequency Range: 30 Hz - 50 MHz.
The Model 3301C Active
Monopole Antenna is designed to provide reception of an electric field
throughout its frequency range,
in a single band, without tuning or
6502 Active Shielded Loop Antenna
* Frequency Range: 10 kHz - 30 MHz.
The Model 6502 is an active
receiving loop antenna.
A preamplifier is built into the base and provides a
50-ohm output.
3163 High Gain Conical Horn Antennas
*Series Frequency Range: 4 GHz to 26.5 GHz.
The ETS-Lindgren
Model 3163 Series Conical Horns are high gain (Over 16 dBi) antennas,
for use as feeds in tapered anechoic chambers,
as well as in applications
requiring high gain and linear polarization.
Custom Antenna Radome Enclosure
ETS-Lindgren's Custom Antenna Radome Enclosure offers a weatherproof environment
for our most popular horn antennas.
7603 Coil Antenna
* Frequency Range: 20 Hz - 50 kHz.
The Model 7603 is built from the
specifications in the original MIL-STD-461 document.
The Model 7603 is a
magnetic field generating coil 12.0 cm (4.75 in) diameter, made of delrin and
wound with 10 turns of AWG-16 wire.
3180B Broadband Mini-Bicon Antenna
The ETS-Lindgren Model 3180B Broadband Mini-Bicon Antenna has been designed for
optimal performance across
the frequency range of 30 MHz – 1 GHz (cage elements) and 30 MHz – 3 GHz (cone elements).
The Model 3180B¡¯s uniquely designed elements
provide a omnidirectional pattern, without the beam splitting.
3106B Double-Ridged Guide Antenna
* Frequency 200 MHz - 2.5 GHz.
The Model 3106B Double-Ridged
Waveguide Horn has a high gain
and excellent VSWR characteristics over its
entire frequency range.
* Frequency Range: 1 GHz to 18 GHz.
is our popular Model 3115, fitted with a pre-amplifier package and calibrated as
a single unit.
In this configuration, any possible mismatches between antenna
and pre-amplifier are taken into account in the antenna factor (AF) which is
provided with this unit.
VHA 9103 B
HFBA 9122
HF-VHF Broadband balun / holder (0.1) 0.15 - 300 (500) MHz especially to measure very high field strength. BBAL 9136, BBA 9106, BBAK 9137, BBVU 9135 or BBUK 9139 biconical elements required.
VHBA 9123
Antenna Holder / Balun for Bicon. Broad Band Antenna (e.g. BBA 9106, BBAL 9136, BBAK 9137), 50 / 200 W, (better antenna factor below 50 MHz, also EMV application 100 W
VHBB 9124
VHBC 9133
High power antenna holder / balun 50:200 Ohm, 2.5 kW, 20-200 MHz for biconical or collapsible elements BBFA 9146, N-connector [VSWR]
VHBD 9134 OPT 7/16
4 kW high power antenna holder / balun 50:200 Ohm, 20-200 MHz for BBAL 9136 or BBFA 9146, 7/16-female connector.
BBA 9106
Biconical Elements, 30-300 MHz, requires VHA 9103 B, VHBC, VHBB or VHBA [Picture]
BBAL 9136
Biconical Elements, 20-200 MHz, requires VHA 9103 B, VHBC, VHBB or VHBA
BBAK 9137
Biconical Elements, 45-450 MHz broad band, requires VHA 9103, VHBB or VHBA
BBVK 9138
Biconical Elements, 60-600 MHz broad band, requires VHA 9103, VHBB or VHBA
BBVU 9135
Biconical Elements, (30)100-1000 MHz (like VUBA), for UBAA 9114/9115
BBUK 9139
Biconical Elements, 160-1200 MHz broad band (like UBA), for UBAA 9114/9115
Collapsible or open Conical elements
BBAE 9179
Foldable elements for immunity for automotive applications, optimized for 1 m measurement distance, max. diameter 150 cm, 20-220 MHz suitable for: VHBC 9133, VHBD 9134, VHBD 9134-4. Some Baluns may need a mechanical modification!
BBFA 9146
Large collapsible aluminium Elements with extensions up to 4 m
FBAB 9177
Collapsible Biconical Elements 30 – 300 MHz (instead of BBA 9106)
FBAL 9178
Large Collapsible Biconical Elements 20 – 200 MHz (instead of BBAL 9136)
BAOC 9216
Open Conical Elements, 160-1200 MHz broad band, for UBAA 9114/9115
BBOC 9217
Open Conical Elements, (30)100-1000 MHz broad band, for UBAA 9114/9115
UHALP 9108 A
VUSLP 9111-1000
Log.-Per. Antenna, aluminium tubing, 1000 – 3000 (4000) MHz, low loss, 1 kW.
VUSLP 9111-400
Log.-Periodic Antenna, alum. Tubing, 400 - 3000 (4000) MHz, low loss, 1 kW.
VUSLP 9111
VUSLP 9111 B
VUSLP 9111 E
VULP 9118 A
VULP 9118 B